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(12/16-18)司太鼓:太鼓レガシーコンサート new
2016年 12月01日 18:34:15

特別プログラム: REDUCTION 4

[experience.mcachicago.org] or call the MCA Box Office, 312.397.4010
場所:MCA’s Edlis Neeson Theater, 220 East Chicago Ave.

現代美術館ホールでの恒例となった「太鼓レガシー」コンサートには、お馴染みの長唄三味線の稀音家千鶴、シカゴ藤間流のほか、東京から日本舞踊の若月仙之助が初参加。篠笛の福原百恭 、鳴り物の立花志十郎など20周年記念公演にふさわしい豪華ゲストを迎えた2回のコンサートに加えて、70年代の東京太鼓演劇集団/銀天界の美学を再現する特別プログラム「リダクション 4」も2回公演となり、全4公演が行われます。和太鼓、日本舞踊、マルチリズムパーカッション、シカゴジャズ、コンテンポラリーダンスなど、様々な芸能文化の融合が生み出すダイナミックなパフォーマンスをお楽しみください。

出演:司太鼓、源太鼓、メロディ高田、シカゴ藤間流、 若月仙之助、立花志十郎、ハミッド・ドレイク、マイケル・ジラング、稀音家千鶴、福原百恭、加藤文子(舞踏家)、ニコール・ミッチェル、フランシス・ウォング、ジョナサン・チェン他

Tsukasa Taiko 20th year Anniversary


Taiko Legacy 13 and Reduction 4

Tsukasa Taiko 20th year Anniversary

The unmistakable sound of Taiko (Japanese drums), once heard only at seasonal festivals and temples in Japan, reaches a new level at MCA Stage this year. The thirteenth anniversary performance features two distinct programs.

Reduction 4

Fri & Sat, Dec 16 & 17 , 7:30 pm

Directed by Tatsu Aoki, Reduction is a creative response to the popular taiko drumming stripped of its musical elements. Featuring Sennosuke Wakatsuki, a young Kabuki artist from Tokyo who is revolutionizing the form. Additional standout artists, from grand master Shunojo Fujima performing nihonbuyo (Kimono dance) to contemporary dancer Ayako Kato, appear in inventive combinations accompanied by jazz greats Hamid Drake, Michael Zerang, Nicole Mitchell, Coco Elysses, electronics composer Jonathan Chen, classical music masters Chizuru Kineya and Hyakkyo Fukuhara, and many others.

Taiko Legacy 13

Sat & Sun, Dec 17 & 18, 3:00 pm

Celebrating two decades of community drumming, Taiko Legacy is a perennial celebration of heritage forms as experienced by leading contemporary performers. The multigenerational ensemble Tsukasa Taiko anchors the traditional musical relationship between shamisen, dance, and taiko. The musical depths of taiko ensemble performance are explored using original compositions and arrangements from a broad range of musical styles including: ozashiki (geisha chamber music), minyo(folk music), ohayashi (classical/folk/theater music), and matsuri taiko (festival taiko music). Featured guests include Melody Takata and Gen Ensemble of San Francisco, classical music masters Chizuru Kineya and Hyakkyo Fukuhara from Tokyo, and Grandmaster Yoshinojo Fujima and Tachibana Shijuro performing nihon buyo (Japanese classical dance).

MCA Studio—Mon Dec 19, 6-8p, $25 registration.

Sennosuke Wakatsuki, a young kabuki artist from Tokyo who is modernizing the form, gives a workshop as part of his North American debut performances at MCA. Immediately preceding the workshop, participants are invited to observe a brief Master Apprentice presentation: dance apprentice Rika Lin performing work by Grandmaster Yoshinjo Fujima; shamisen apprentice performing work by Grandmaster Chizuru Kineya.

At MCA’s Edlis Neeson Theater, 220 East Chicago Ave.
Buy tickets online:
or call the MCA Box Office, 312.397.4010

MCA members $16
Nonmembers $20
Students $10
Youtube Link

Reduction 4

1編集 - 最終更新ユーザ:住むトコ.COM編集部2(2016年 12月01日 18:36:55 )

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