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10/1〜11/19 blue fish ドキュメンタリー映画祭

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10/1〜11/19 blue fish ドキュメンタリー映画祭 new
2017年 09月20日 00:56:33
blue fishドキュメンタリー映画祭
blue fish Japanese Environmental Documentary Film Screening

この秋、10月1日から11月19日に渡り、The Nightingale Cinemaにて、現在の私たちの生活、未来の世代に残す環境や自然との共存について問いかける作品を集めたblue fishドキュメンタリー映画祭 を開催します。スウェーデンと1982年以降原発建設を止め続けている瀬戸内海に浮かぶ小さな祝島の人々の取り組みを紹介しつつ未来のエネルギー資源について問う鎌仲ひとみ監督作品『ミツバチの羽音と地球の回転』、1200年続く伝統の祭り、神舞を守り、自然と共に生きる祝島の人々の暮らしを紹介した纐纈あや監督の『祝(ほおり)の島』、福島の有機農家の取り組みを紹介する、シカゴに拠点を置き活躍を続ける梶野純子&エドワード・コジアスキー監督作品『超自然の大地』から短編を3本(上映後、監督たちを招いてのトーク有り)、世界を旅しながら、命を守り、平和の築きの道を模索し続ける東条雅之監督の『祝福(いのり)の海』を上映します。


日時と上映内容 / WHAT & WHEN: 日本環境ドキュメンタリー映画上映会 (Japanese Environmental Documentary Film Screening):
10月1日〜11月19日、日曜夜 (Sundays between October 1 through November 19)


上映会1:10月1日(日)午後7時: 鎌仲ひとみ監督作品『ミツバチの羽音と地球の回転』[888earth.net]
上映会2:10月15日(日)午後7時: 纐纈あや監督作品『祝の島』(ほおりのしま)[www.hourinoshima.com]

上映会3:11月5日(日)午後6時半: シカゴ在住の梶野純子&エドワード・コジアスキー監督作品『超自然の大地』(監督たちを招いてのトーク有り)[uncannyterrain.com]

上映会4:11月19日(日)午後7時: 東条雅之監督作品『祝福の海』(いのりのうみ)[inorinoumi.jimdo.com]

場所 / WHERE: The Nightingale Cinema, 1084 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60642
(CTA: Blue Line, Division Sta. Walk two blocks to south on Milwaukee Ave. crossing Polonia Triangle; 51
Milwaukee Bus stop at Thomas.)

入場料 / HOW: 大人$10, シニア/学生 $8, 小人(6-12歳) $5, 小人5歳以下無料, フェスティバルパス$35 (初日のみ販売。フェスティバル期間中有効)


The earth is breathing; so are humans. This fall, between October 1 and November 19, the Nightingale Cinema presents Japanese environmental documentaries to reflect upon humans’ relationship with nature. The films introduce the lives of people such as fishermen and farmers of Iwai-shima island who have been protesting against and stopping the construction of a nuclear power plant since 1982, as well as organic farmers in Fukushima who have been going through the aftermath of the 2012 nuclear power plant accident. This festival will expand the knowledge of Chicago’s urban audiences about global environmental issues and synchronize contemporary concerns about the planet through the lens of the not-so-Far East.


*All movies have English subtitles.

WHAT & WHEN: Japanese Environmental Documentary Film Screening:
Sundays between October 1 - November 19.

Sunday, October 1 at 7 pm: ASHES TO HONEY (Hitomi Kamanaka) [888earth.net]

Sunday, October 15 at 7 pm: HOLY ISLAND (Aya Hanabusa) [www.hourinoshima.com]

Sunday, November 5 at 6:30 pm: UNCANNY TERRAIN by Chicago-based filmmakers Junko Kajino and Ed M. Koziarski (with post-screening talk) [uncannyterrain.com]

Sunday, November 19 at 7 pm: THE OCEAN’S BLESSING (Masayuki Tōjō)

WHERE: The Nightingale Cinema, 1084 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60642

HOW: Admission: Adults $10; Seniors/Students $8; Children (6-12) $5; Children under 5 Free; Adult Festival Pass $35 (please purchase on the first day of the festival; good for all four days)

Facebook Event Page:


2011年、東日本大震災の福島第一原子力発電所の事故により、 福島県の土地は放射能で汚染されてしまう。しかし福島の有機農家達は土地を捨てず耕し続けることを決めた。このドキュメンタリーは、その農家達の4年間を追った短編集。




梶野純子&エドワード・コジアスキー プロフィール [uncannyterrain.com]

東条雅之監督『祝福の海』/ The Ocean's Blessing

This is a story of life. To retrieve all the connections of life with mother earth, we see the key for our way of living for the post-3.11 nuclear disaster. “The Earth, a planet of miracles. Everyday, a new story of life begins here. A midwife with a career of over 70 years told me about the ‘baton of life’ being passed through the generations over the history of life on earth. Her story became the signpost to the peaceful world that ‘I’ seek out. I was interested in the issue of global poverty in college. How can everyone live peacefully on the earth? While traveling around the world, I realized that my own lifestyle is closely connected with such issues. I decided to visit a Japanese family who runs a sustainable farm which also produces salt. Their lives are so closely dependent on the land and sea. Around the same time, I became aware of the island of Iwai-shima, which sits on the inland sea, Setonai-kai, in Yamaguchi prefecture. Supported by abundant sea harvests, there is a local spirit of cooperation. On it's opposite shore, a new nuclear power plant construction plan has been under preparation since 1982. The islanders rally under the defiant slogan - ‘We cannot sell the ocean for money.’ I started to commute to the island and experience the life which they are trying to protect and seems somehow nostalgic to me. My search for a sustainable lifestlye became more urgent on March 11th, 2011, when an unprecedented earthquake, tsunami and a nuclear accident hit Fukushima, Japan. I embarked on a journey from Iwai-shima to Fukushima. What is a peaceful world that mutually supports each other for a sustainable life, which ‘I’ began to perceive through the journey?”

Masayuki Tōjō - Director Born in Osaka in 1984, Tōjō graduated from the Department of Agriculture, Hokkaido University. Facing with the fact that one in every seven people is suffering from the hunger, Tōjō comes to aim at the world where everybody can live in peaceful happiness. At the age of 22, he has travelled to over 10 countries in Asia and Africa and realized the world is a big "treasure island." In 2009, he lived in "Hyakusho An (A Simple Farmhouse)" in Yamaguchi prefecture and learned from a family, who live in a sustainable farm producing sea salt. Around the same time, he visited a small island called "Iwai-shima" located among the islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. While being impressed by the local people's life co-existing with a rich nature, he learned about the new nuclear power plant project in an opposite shore. Then he started to film the reclamation of thE seashore .by the Chugoku Electric Company preparing to build a new nuclear power plant. Since 2011, after the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear accident in Fukushima, he visited Fukushima and decided to produce a documentary film about life. He took over 4 years to complete the film. In the hope of the world where all the lives can respect each other's life, he continues to show the film and seeks a life in harmony with nature.

1編集 - 最終更新ユーザ:住むトコ.COM編集部6(2017年 09月21日 07:26:11 )

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